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It’s All Greek To Me. Part I.
Some of the reasons why you should make the trip to Greece, one of the fonts of our glorious Western heritage.
Our Strategy For Ending Our Endless Wars?
Why do we spend more on the military than the next seven nations combined? And leave our southern border unprotected?
My Name In Bright Lights
Will we allow political correctness to prevent us from even discussing, and perhaps solving, some of our most pressing problems?
Just So Sad . . .
Is it time to do something about school shootings? Absolutely. But it’s more important that we do the right thing. Rather than just anything.
It’s Not Left Or Right
It's Globalist Or Nationalist My sister, to put it mildly, is well traveled. Throw a dart at the globe, and there's a good chance that, on one trip or another, she's been there. Or, at least, on that continent. While I've been out of the country a few times, I'm...
A War Like All Others.
Why have we been fighting countless, endless wars in the Middle East? To make the world safe for Israel.