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Your Neighbor As Yourself
Put on your own mask before assisting those around you.
Chinese Fire Drill
Who ya gonna call when you accidentally lock two little girls in the car under a blazing sun? Smoke Busters!
Mike Coffman and The Deplorables
Since I began blogging recently, I have spent a good deal of time at coffee shops. One of them is Solid Grounds on South Broadway at Arapahoe. It's a shambling, multi-level store that shares a large parking lot with the South Fellowship church. Given its ".org"...
The Kindness of Strangers
I practiced law for 10 years, which, according to one of my favorite gag lines, "was about five years too many." But law was by no means my only career mistake. And today, shortly after having cleaned out my office in preparation for retirement, is not a bad time to...
Under Construction
Under Construction is a men’s group at Greenwood Community Church that meets on the first Saturday of every month to do handy man jobs for people in the area.
On My Honor
And, although they never asked for it, the Scouts now find themselves at the sharp tip of the spear in this culture war.