Surviving the Crazy Twins

My struggle with the crazy twins that haunt me: Bipolar Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease.
II.  The Communion of Saints.

II. The Communion of Saints.

Big Boy Locomotive Past. PRESENT. And Future. Fast forward to the present.  And Cheyenne, Wyoming.  On the map, the drive from the Adams Bonanza Farm was pretty straight forward.  Southwest to Pierre, the capital of South Dakota and where I spent a night at The...
I.  The Communion Of Saints.

I. The Communion Of Saints.

PAST.  Present.  And Future. I’m on the road.  Again.  Marleen and I flew to visit our son in Omaha.  But, because she’s not a fan of long road trips-and I still am-I rented a car and took a circuitous, sentimental  journey back to Denver. On the way, I...
Remembrance of things past.

Remembrance of things past.

Like a fish out of water.You’ve seen, of course, that Sears is going bankrupt.  From its humble beginnings selling watches, Sears grew to be the world’s largest retailer, selling everything from insurance to car batteries.  Before, that is, it went into a...
“Madame”:  God In The Box.

“Madame”: God In The Box.

And The Money Changers In The Temple. How I happened to watch the film, I’m not sure.  Perhaps on one of those interminable flights to or from Greece last spring when scraping the bottom of the barrel of viewing choices became a necessity.  When sleep, in seats...
Gimme Shelter.

Gimme Shelter.

Project Sanctuary At The Winding River Ranch.Rand Case.  Now there’s a name you don’t hear everyday.  And neither had I until I met Rand during my last door to door campaign for the Colorado House about four years ago. Of course, after doing it thousands...