Surviving the Crazy Twins

My struggle with the crazy twins that haunt me: Bipolar Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease.

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II.  The Communion of Saints.

II. The Communion of Saints.

The horrific sex scandal in the Catholic church. Ancient history? Or torn from today’s headlines? Hard to know for sure. But all a friend can say is, ‘Ain’t it a shame?’

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I.  The Communion Of Saints.

I. The Communion Of Saints.

I’m on the road.  Again.  Marleen and I flew to visit our son in Omaha.  But, because she’s not a fan of long road trips-and I still am-I rented a car and took a circuitous, sentimental  journey back to Denver.

On the way, I listened to hours of recorded books: one of the pleasures of road trips for me.  One was The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk.  The other was The Heart of the Matter, a novel by Englishman Graham Greene, considered by many to be one of the best writers of the 20th century.  More later.

My first destination was the far south east corner of North Dakota.  It’s where my mom grew up during the Great Depression in a small farm house with her parents and six siblings.

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Remembrance of things past.

Remembrance of things past.

Time slips through our fingers so quickly that it perpetually amazes us. But why would we feel that way about our native element? Unless we’re made for eternity.

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