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Showin’ The Plan
I’m grateful for one thing about our Amway experience: it didn’t kill us.
Hail, Caesar!
So, where do we stand now, 2,000 years on? Is moral agency an archaic notion that must give way to puppetry? Increasingly, especially in reference to our sexuality, the answer seems to be, “Yes.” The evidence? LGBTTQQIAAP. A bewildering array of initials that would tax the imagination of even the most creative of Rome’s sexual free thinkers: Lesbian. Gay. Bisexual. Transgendered. Transexual. Queer. Etcetera. And so on. And so forth.
Must all these exquisitely fine gradations of what historically been seen as abnormal expressions of human sexuality be granted moral immunity because, as their advocates contend, they are genetically hard wired into our DNA? Which is another way of saying, at least in regards to our sexuality, we are no longer moral agents? Apparently so.
But what does this say about us as people in a larger sense? Who can doubt that sex plays a central role in who we are as humans? But, if our sexual conduct is beyond our control, can we still be considered the only creature whose defining characteristic is the capacity for rational thought and action? And, if so, where does it all end?
Two potential resting places come to mind.
All Fall Down: The American Way of War
The Russians learned their lesson in Afghanistan after 10 bloody, futile years. Can’t we do likewise after 14 years in Iraq?
I Know How This Movie Ends
It is plain that Harvey Weinstein, despite all his money, power and Botox, doesn’t conceal a similar magical portrait in his attic. Now exposed for what he truly is, his face betrays all the ravages of a life poorly lived.
But Weinstein is almost besides the point. He is only one of the numerous, aggressively malignant tumors that have metastasized into a body politic besotted with Hollywood culture.
I wonder what the picture in our national attic looks like? Sure, we may look good (sort of) on the outside. But how many of us would be appalled if we came face to face with that portrait of ourselves?
Pave Paradise, Put Up A Parking Lot
What caused the Sierra Club to do a 180° on immigration and its impact on the US environment? You guessed it: money.
On Behalf of a Grateful Nation
Our nation’s true heroes are quietly celebrated on Memorial Day. Not the bellicose displays favored by the NFL. Especially now that players, many of whom are felons themselves, are “taking a knee” in favor of criminals during the National Anthem.